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eBooking is for business customers that do not use bizz

eBooking is an electronic ticket system for Storebælt’s truck and bus customers. It can be used by companies that have entered into a business agreement with Storebælt but which do not use a bizz.

From 18 March 2024, it will no longer be possible to order Storebælt eBooking

From 18 March 2024, it will no longer be possible to order Storebælt eBooking.

If you ordered eBookings before 18 March 2024, you can use them for trips across Storebælt up to and including 15 April 2024.

If you are unable to use your eBookings, they will be cancelled with effect from 15 April 2024. This will happen automatically and no payment will be incurred.

Booking number with SMS

eBooking offers companies such as haulage firms the ability to send a eBooking number to a driver as an SMS directly from the system.

The driver can then use a card lane and enter the eBooking number on the screen and drive through the toll booth. The trip is automatically recorded on the customer’s account.

Contact Storebælt to set up an agreement

The company must have a Storebælt Business agreement in order to use eBooking. Contact Storebælt Business on +45 70 15 10 15 or e-mail to set up an agreement.

Brobizz A/S will bill you for your eBooking usage.

In the event of problems with eBooking

If you have problems with eBooking, contact Storebælt customer service on +45 70 15 10 15.

Outside of our opening hours, please e-mail State your customer number, company name, registration number, and date.

Questions and answers about eBooking

Can we get a discount with eBooking?

No, you pay the list price when using eBooking.

Can we get the green discount with eBooking?

No, you cannot get the green discount with eBooking. You pay the list price with eBooking.

Language: English

Language: English