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Can I use a bizz or number plate payment when riding a motorcycle?

Yes, but for your own safety, you must use the blue or yellow lanes even if you have a bizz.

Use the blue or yellow lanes

When riding a motorcycle, you must use the blue 'card' lanes or the yellow 'cash' lanes for safety reasons, regardless of whether you want to use a bizz or number plate payment. 

  1. When you get to the barrier, you activate your bizz or number plate payment by
  2. Select 'bizz' or 'number plate' on the touch screen in the payment lane
  3. The barrier will open, if your agreement is active, and will only close when you have driven past it


NOTE: If you are several motorcyclist driving at the same time, it is important to drive through one at a time with a car-length distance between the motorcycles. This is important so that the reading is optimal and the correct price is determined accordingly.

Read more about the different issuers of bizzes and number plate payments here.


A matter of safety

The reason that you cannot use an express lane is to minimise the risk of accidents when passing under the barrier, as motorcycles are not as protected as regular vehicles.

In the card lane, the barrier falls between each vehicle, making it easier to ensure that you as a motorcyclist are recorded and that the barrier remains raised while you pass through.


If you wish to use a bizz

It is important that you place the bizz correctly, so that our systems can read your bizz easily.
Firstly, your bizz must be turned the right way, with the side with the suction cups or glue facing downwards. The other side emits microwaves, which have to reach our antenna.

If the bizz is in a leather holder, it makes it difficult for the microwave signal to be transmitted. A nylon or plastic holder shouldn't be a problem.

If your bizz cannot be read, you can stop and relocate the bizz for it to be read.

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